Thursday 26 April 2007

The Bat Cave

Not sure if I mentioned this in a previous email but in a couple of months Debbie and I will be expecting our second child, which is great news but does mean I loose the spare room for my Study/Gaming Room!

Thankfully my kind generous wife [yes she might read this;-)]has let me convert the old utility room to Study and has given me free reign to do with it what I like! What I have in mind is an hi-tech looking uber study/gaming room. I have dubbed it "The Bat Cave". I have been working on the conversion for the last few months and it is nearing completion. I have uploaded photos of the development and have registered!

The next stage it rigging the desk and mounting the PC, then the cold cathodes and water cooling! I'm working on a completly custom setup built into the desk.
Need to do a bit of a write up for custom PC once it's all done and hopefully I'll get an entry in Custom PC's Readers Drives! ;-)


Lee said...

Where's the red batphone?!!

Ben said...

Thats just out of shot next to the spare utility belt!