Wednesday 29 August 2007

If you would kindly...

I have decided, BioShock is THE best game ever!
Last night I defeated Ryan thinking that was the end of a very enjoyable game.
Oh how wrong I was...
I'm struggling not to say anything to spoil it but I'm still grinning inanely over what unfolds. I was blown away.
Can't wait to get back to Rapture tonight to find out how it continues.
Never has a game had me so absorbed. Half Life 2 comes close but has a very predictable storyline in comparison.
I remember reading some review saying that there were some key moments in the game that made the reviewer sit back in awe, defeating Ryan is definatley one!


Mal said...

Im loving it, but ive only had time to get 2 or 3 hours in, awesome atmosphere.. feels a bit like Doom 3 but a proper game rather than just the graphics engine demo Doom 3 felt like..

I hate it when you can hear them nattering away there insane ramblings but can't see them.. spooky!

Looking forward to playing some more when i get back tonight but Warhawk is out on PS3 today so ill have to split my time =)

Ben said...

I've just completed it. What an ending!
Rather frustatingly I didn't get the Achievement for completing the game on Hard. Not sure why, it definatley was, never mind I'm playing it through a second time anyway but this time I'll be harvesting the little sisters to see the alternative ending.
Might even post a final review first.