...and they leak copious amounts of blood. The pictures were taken down pretty sharpish, but it's pretty much confirmed that these screens are from Ninja Gaiden 2 and they're beautifully brutal. One of the best games out last gen. The sequel is destined for great things hopefully. Enjoy the screens
Not really too concerned, i still have a long way to go on sigma :) its not been getting much love since bioshock but i fancy taking it out for a spin soon.
Looks great! Sigma is awesome on PS3
Damn that looks good! Played the original the other day. Awesome game but seems to be a bit buggy when played on the 360.
Oh I hope the BBFC don't spoil this and force the developers to cut out the gore! I love gore! Just it an 18 certificate and be done with it!
This one is actually published by MS, so there won't be any PS3 version of this.
Not really too concerned, i still have a long way to go on sigma :) its not been getting much love since bioshock but i fancy taking it out for a spin soon.
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